Welcome to
Living a passion...
On this page we would like to show you our PSL (Puro Sangue Lusitano) horses and our PMA (Pastore Maremmano Abruzzese) dogs that make part of our breeding project “Lusitano-Maremmano” which we founded in 2020. Our main focus on this site is on the Lusitano horses. If you wish to get more information about our Pastore Maremmano Abruzzese dogs that we have brought with us from Italy to Portugal, please feel free to visit our second homepage www.maremmano.org

Welcome to our
Stud farm



Portugal meets Italy
Have a closer look at our horses and dogs

Meet our animals
We invite you to share our passion for the Lusitano horse and the Pastore Maremmano Abruzzese dogs – feel free to ask us everything you would like to know about these two fantastic breeds.
Looking much forward to welcoming you at our stud farm, which is located only one hour North of Lisbon – between the cities of Santarém and Rio Maior, half an hour away from the Atlantic Coast line.